festival/country; season and lengthThe 18 of November in Maracaibo the Chinita’s Fair is celebrated, with mechanics games, music, dances and drunk. The gaitas, especially maracuchas, are for the Venezuelans which the carols for Spanish. By all the sites are listened to the sounds of the navideños sets that they journey from a house to another one. The year finishes with the night of the 31 when the Venezuelans celebrate with happiness the arrival of the New Year.
Historical/religious or other significanceFriday 18 of November of 1.709 was old the engrossed one in her tasks, reason why she did not pay attention to a series of blows that she listened to in the wall where it hung the image. The blows were listened to again, but she did not move. Nevertheless, to the third time, she went been strange to the place from where the blows came and surprised she saw how in the picture the image of the Virgin of the Chiquinquirá was appraised clearly and brought forth of her a shining light. The surprise of such phenomenon took her to the street where she began to scream: "Miracle, miracle"… and with this occurred beginning par excellence to the celebration of the zulianos: The Chinita’s Fair.
All the 18 of November, and for forty years, Maracaibo and the Zulia state in general, have been coming celebrating the Chinita’s Fair, date that has become from that then, in occasion of celebrations for the believing faithful of the zuliano town and their environs, without no ecclesiastical or civil law has decreed it. With the lighting system of the lights of the Bella Vista avenue, the gaita, fireworks that illuminate the marabino sky, with chimbangles that resounds their drums, accompany to the virgin in her route by the streets of the miracle.
Preparations; customs; activitiesOn a par of the formal chronogram and religious of activities other popular events and of masses are developed that constitute the Fair. In her the in excess ones of bull are made famous, dances in sites public and deprived nights of the city, Gaiteros Dawns, games of baseball, the great finery of the beauty, (beauty aid which it allows to choose the sovereign who will be the queen of the fair by all the year, transmitted by Venevisión through his program Sensational Saturday), the parade of floats and comparsas, in addition many other activities that are going to flood to Maracaibo of a climate of enthusiasm, solidarity and collective reaffirmation of the Christian Faith to initiate the celebrations.
The 18 of November, central day of the celebration of the Fair, a pontifica mass is celebrated and the short procession. On a par the baseball game is developed wins Virgin of the Chinita, sport activity very frequented by the zuliana fanaticada one that meets (after one long night of parranda) to give them to spirit and support to the pelotero equipment of the Eagles of Zulia. To the following week the procession of the aurora is made and the image removes from the basilica to 3:00 of the dawn, so that next to her town she receives the day in the street. Finally, following Sunday raises the Virgin to the altar.
In this Maracaibo opportunity Fair of the Chinita gets dressed in full dress to receive to thousands of visitors in the occasion of the celebration of cuadragésima, exhibiting the historical and cultural values of the zuliano town.
When we talked about the Gaitero Dawn, it quickly comes to our mind the peculiar sound from furro, the cuatro, the maracas and the drum. Nevertheless, it is important to emphasize, that the Gaiteros Dawns of the last times, are not exclusive of the gaiteros, since many national and international, representing artists of diverse musical sorts, sing to the beautiful Chinita.
It's tradition, to this date, the marabinos go to the Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary of the Chiquinquirá, to request a miracle by a dear being that suffers of some disease, to request by their parents, brothers, children and relatives or simply, to request the blessing to the Virgin.
It is for that reason that this popular event, manages to reunite history, the culture and the faith of a town that sings to her the Gaita Zuliana, with great admiration and respect, to the Brown Virgin "the Pattern of the Zulianos". November in Venezuela is the main holiday during which Venezuelan families get together and rejoice. In Venezuela, the Chinita’s Fair is celebrated with a number of religious and traditional customs. Families get together to enjoy the traditional meal: "hallacas," "pan de jamón," "dulce de lechoza." The pan de "jamón" is a long bread filled with cooked ham and raisins. The "dulce de lechoza" is a dessert made of green papaya and brown sugar, slowly cooked for hours and served cold. Music plays an important role in the celebrations. The traditional songs of this period are called gaitas. In the old days the gaiteros (singers of gaitas) sing their songs and play traditional instruments such as the cuatro (a small, four strings guitar), the maracas (rattle) and the furruco (a small, elongated drum with a wooden stick in the middle. The movement of the stick slightly indented on the drums leather is what produces the sound).
Personal celebrationsLike good Zuliana family, we fulfilled this tradition and we love it! Not by the celebrations, it’s more by the feeling that wakes up in all the people of this beautiful state.
CONCLUSION: Commercial significance Personal views about festivalThe celebrations in honor to the Chiquinquirá stopped being the modest supervisory celebrations of the past to acquire the international characteristics of party of great complexity where religious and popular events come together, all reunited under the name give to the International Chinita’s Fair.
It is a festival of joy and happiness. Gifts are one of the major attractions of these celebrations. People give beautiful gifts to their loved ones. But, commercialization has changed the entire meaning of gifts.
Instead of expensive gifts, you may also go for greeting cards. Decoration is also one of the significant components of these celebrations. Beautiful streets are decorated with stars, bells and lights.
My favorite GAITA is "Los Huele pegas" of Ricardo Cepeda, I really like this song...
It is a festival of joy and happiness. Gifts are one of the major attractions of these celebrations. People give beautiful gifts to their loved ones. But, commercialization has changed the entire meaning of gifts.
Instead of expensive gifts, you may also go for greeting cards. Decoration is also one of the significant components of these celebrations. Beautiful streets are decorated with stars, bells and lights.
Papa mira a ese muchacho
Con la franela en la cara
Pareciera que jugara
A ser un enmascarado
No hijo
No has acertado
Con su disfraz el no juega
Lo que esta oliendo pega
Es un niño abandonado
Porque huele pegamento
Papi quiero que me digas
Porque el hambre lo e mitiga
Y le calma el sufrimiento
Entonces porque la tapa
Porque la lleva escondida
Es una droga prohibida
Y si lo pillan lo atrapan
Porque el hambre lo doblega
Y lo acorrala el dolor
Porque no tiene el calor
De un hogar que se le niega
Busca el alivio
En la pega
cualquier niño sin amor (bis)
Y porque la ley se opone
Si la droga lo consuela
Porque al cerebro flagela
Y le pudre los pulmones
Y quienes son los culpables
Del dolor de esas personas
Los padres que lo abandonan
A una vida miserable
Papito que triste suerte
La de los abandonados
Algunos han encontrado
Por sobredosis la muerte
Como aliviar el dolor
Que los huele pegas sienten
Concientizando a la gente
Que primero está el amor
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